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Merritt Aims for the Airwaves

by Abdul Hakim-Shabazz

Indianapolis Republican Mayoral candidate Jim Merritt unveiled his first television ad which the campaign says it plans to air this week.


Politically Podcasting

by Abdul Hakim-Shabazz

We sat down this week with our panel of political pundits and talked about a variety of issues.

Our topics included

  • Part 1 – The latest news in the race for Indiana Governor
  • Part 2 – Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s presidential prospects
  • Part 3 – The changing Democratic Presidential debate stage
  • Part 4 – The latest in efforts to raise teacher pay in Indiana.

Our panel included Democrat Lindsay Shipps, Republican Joey Fox, and Libertarian Mark Rutherford.

Indiana Issues – Episode 34

by Abdul Hakim-Shabazz

On this edition of Indiana Issues, we talk state, local and national politics with our panel of political experts

. Our topics include…

  • 1:00 – Holcomb’s Primary challenger
  • 9:00 – The AG and the BMV –
  • 16:00 – New Legal Trouble for Dan Forestal
  • 20:00 – Democrat Thursday night debates
  • 29:00 – Predictions & Prognostications

Our panel includes Republican Kyle Walker, Democrat Kip Tew, Libertarian Brad Klopfenstein and Mary Beth Schneider of The Statehouse File.

Indiana Issues is recorded at the Edge Media Studios in downtown Indianapolis.

My “Black” Agenda

by Abdul Hakim-Shabazz

Does Indianapolis’ Black Community need an agenda? There seems to be a growing chorus that the answer is “yes.”

During the IBJ/Indy Chamber’s post-Mayoral debate news conferences last month, both incumbent Democrat Joe Hogsett and Republican challenger Jim Merritt were asked if they will have a “black agenda” should they be in office come Jan 1? Merritt said, yes. Hogsett said no. However, in fairness to Hogsett, he also added that African-Americans should benefit from the plans his administration already has on the table.

In the past, some groups have attempted to outline a “black agenda.” The African American Coalition of Indianapolis, a collective of various black organizations, has reportedly put together a proposal and the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus at the start of every session outlines an agenda as well. And you can now add me to the list.

My agenda is based, in part, on a recent poll conducted for Indy Politics by Mason Strategies. We surveyed several issues, crime, education, infrastructure, etc., and the responses given by African-Americans.  And also embedded these suggestions is my firm belief that if you empower individuals to take control of their own destinies, you will get a much better result for society overall.

So with that said, here are a few items from my “agenda”…


  • Tougher Penalties for Crimes Committed in Certain Areas
    • Since blacks in low-income areas are more likely to be victims of crime than other parts of the city, local leaders should work with state officials to create “economically challenged” zones (which can be based on census data) and increase the penalties for offenses committed in those areas.
  • Creative post-conviction sentencing
    • The city should work with the criminal justice system and implement a program where non-violent, first-time offenders are sentenced to school as part of their probation. A judge under state law (IC 35-38-2-2.3) as part of probation, can order a defendant to “Work faithfully at suitable employment or faithfully pursue a course of study or career and technical education that will equip the person for suitable employment.” This will be cheaper than incarceration, and the long-term result is a productive citizen who is repairing homes and automobiles instead of breaking into them.
  • Increase investment in proven anti-violence iniatives.
    • In our survey, crime and gun-related violence were the number one issue of African-Americans, for whites, it was infrastructure. Organizations like the Ten Point Coalition have a proven track record in reducing homicides in the areas they patrol, so the city should make sure they are adequately funded, so they expand their efforts.


  • Increase opportunities for school choice.
    • Our recent Indy Politics survey showed 63 percent of blacks supported school choice and vouchers, which was ten points higher than the general population. Education attainment is a crucial indicator of success.
  • Increase opportunities for post-secondary education attainment for adults who did not finish school.
    • The city should partner with the state and Ivy Tech Community college and promote either the Next Level education program which gets Hoosiers back to school to finish their degrees. Also, Ivy Tech is implementing a program geared towards single mothers so they can go back to school and complete their educations.
  • Increase “after school” opportunities.
    • The city should partner with the not for profit/faith-based and local college and university communities to create “after school” zones where children can study, get mentoring and tutoring in a safe and productive environment. The city would provide the financing, the faith-based communities and not for profits would provide the facilities, and the colleges and universities would provide the mentors and tutors.

Entrepreneurial Development

  • Increase opportunities for small business creation.
    • The city should focus on growing small businesses in economically challenged areas that will make individuals self-sufficient.
    • The city should partner with the Indiana Department of Commerce, the Indy Chamber and the Indy Black Chamber of Commerce to help create, grow and develop black-owned and operated businesses, particularly in economically-challenged communities of color.


  • Create the equivalent of an infrastructure-based tax incremental finance system for roads in economically challenged areas
    • The city should work with the state to capture a portion of the gas tax collected in certain economically challenged areas that would be dedicated to roads, streets, and sidewalk repair.

Attainable Housing

  • Encourage developers who receive city tax incentives also to build, where feasible, in select areas that have economic challenges.
  • Work with state lawmakers to protect long-time homeowners from skyrocketing increases in property tax assessments due to gentrification by freezing their assessments in neighborhoods experiencing gentrification until the home is sold or transferred.

These are just a few ideas which I think would address the broader issues facing the African-American community in Indianapolis.   It’ s not exclusive, but I think it’s a good starting point for further discussion.  I do believe, however,  that when you address these issues, you also take care of the collateral issues such as the achievement and economic pay gaps, food deserts, etc.

Now also, as part of this is an individual responsibility component. And African-Americans have to understand that no “agenda” can solve all the problems that plague specific segments of the community.  But, I do think that the creation of a more productive and safe environment for some of our city’s residents can go a long way to making life better for all of us.

My “Black Agenda”

by Abdul Hakim-Shabazz

Does Indianapolis’ Black Community need an agenda? There seems to be a growing chorus that the answer is “yes.”

During the IBJ/Indy Chamber’s post-Mayoral debate news conferences this week, both incumbent Democrat Joe Hogsett and Republican challenger Jim Merritt were asked if they will have a “black agenda” should they be in office come Jan 1? Merritt said, yes. Hogsett said no. However, in fairness to Hogsett, he also added that African-Americans should benefit from the plans his administration already has on the table.

In the past, some groups have attempted to outline a “black agenda.” The African American Coalition of Indianapolis, a collective of various black organizations, has reportedly put together a proposal and the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus at the start of every session outlines an agenda as well. And you can now add me to the list.

My agenda is based, in part, on a recent poll conducted for Indy Politics by Mason Strategies. We surveyed several issues, crime, education, infrastructure, etc., and the responses given by African-Americans.  And also embedded these suggestions is my firm belief that if you empower individuals to take control of their own destinies, you will get a much better result for society overall.

So with that said, here are a few items from my “agenda”…

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School Daze

by Abdul Hakim-Shabazz

Almost half of Marion County voters think the county’s public education system is on the wrong track in a new survey for Indy Politics conducted by Mason Strategies. In addition, by a 55 percent to 40 percent majority, voters support school choice to let parents choose where to send their children.

The survey of 400 likely voters, conducted Aug 11-14, shows only 31 percent of respondents thought Marion County schools are on the right track. This dissatisfaction is held more by Republicans (57 percent) and Independents (51 percent), but also more Democrats feel schools are on the wrong track (44 percent) than the right track (35 percent)

There are no significant differences by age groups or by ethnicity; however, women are more negative as only 27 percent say public education is on the right track, compared to 36 percent of men.

Voters feel similarly about one specific school district, Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS). However, voters are split about public charter schools in Marion County with 34 percent saying they are on the right track and 37 saying wrong track, a statistical tie. While there were no significant difference in views of charter schools by age, gender, or even political affiliation, a majority of black voters (51 percent) are positive on charter schools, compared to 36 percent who say they’re on the wrong track.

“In a county where folks are largely content, public education stands out as a source of disapproval for voters,” said Stephen Spiker, President and owner of Mason Strategies. “Marion County’s charter schools are one of the few bright spots, particularly among black voters.”

Black voters are also more opinionated on the IPS district, as over 90 percent answered with either “right track” or “wrong track”, compared to 29 percent of white voters who couldn’t answer the question. However, black opinions on IPS are split, with 46 percent having a positive view and 46 percent having a negative view.

Most Marion County voters (55 percent) support using taxpayer dollars to provide school choice to allow parents to place their children in the public or private school which best serves their needs. Support for school choice is highest among Republicans (64 percent), Independents (56 percent), and black voters (60 percent). Democrats are split at 48 percent supporting and 48 percent opposing.

“School choice is not only a popular policy in Marion County,” said Spiker “but it is also one that divides Democratic voters and presents a real outreach opportunity to black voters, who are more highly engaged on education issues than other voters.”

The poll had a margin of error of +/- 4.9 percent.

Click Here to Read the Toplines.

How Is Holcomb Doing?

by Abdul Hakim-Shabazz

A poll of 400 likely Indianapolis voters surveyed last week for Indy Politics by Mason Strategies shows high marks for Governor Eric Holcomb.

The survey, conducted Aug 11-14, shows Marion County voters give Holcomb a 60 percent approval rating, while only 24 percent disapprove of the job he is doing. Sixteen percent have no opinion. This is in-line with the 53 percent majority of Indianapolis voters who feel the state is headed in the right direction.

Holcomb’s approval is highest among Republicans, with over three-quarters (78 percent) giving him good marks. A similar amount, 74 percent, think the state is headed in the right direction. In addition, almost half of Indianapolis Democrats (47 percent) also approve of Holcomb, and two-thirds (65 percent) of Independents.

A majority of black voters, 56 percent, approve of Holcomb; only 22% disapprove. Around half (49 percent) also say that the state is headed in the right direction. The Governor’s approval is a bit higher among men, at 63 percent than women at 55 percent.

“Heading into his re-election year, most voters in Indianapolis say that Governor Holcomb is providing good, steady leadership for the state,” said Stephen Spiker, President and owner of Mason Strategies. “With great job approval numbers, even among Democrats, he is a heavy favorite to win a second term next year.”

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Pete’s Poll Numbers

by Abdul Hakim-Shabazz

As South Bend Mayor and Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg tries to win over voters in Iowa and New Hampshire, an Indy Politics poll of likely voters here in Marion County, a Democratic stronghold, shows nearly 60 percent of them either view him unfavorably or have no opinion of him.

The poll of 400 likely voters shows Buttigieg with a 41 percent favorable/somewhat favorable rating in Indianapolis. However, that same poll also revealed 28 percent have an unfavorable or somewhat unfavorable opinion and another 28 percent either have no opinion or do not know who he is.

Among Democrats, 62 percent have a favorable view, but almost a quarter (24 percent) haven’t heard of him or have no opinion of him. Buttigieg scores higher approval ratings with progressives (72 percent) than with conservative/moderates (51 percent), although 37 percent of moderate Democrats and 24 percent of progressives either do not know who Buttigieg is or have no opinion of him.

African-American attitudes towards Buttigieg are somewhat reflective of the narrative that’s been taking place at the national level.  His favorable ratings among black voters are at 36 percent, with 46 percent saying they have no opinion or don’t know who he is.

“In the largest city of his home state, Mayor Pete certainly can’t complain about his favorable ratings,” said pollster Stephen Spiker, President and owner of Mason Strategies which conducted the survey. “However, with so many Democratic voters even here unfamiliar with him, particularly black voters, something has to change in a big way for him to overcome the front-runners for the Democratic nomination.”

Click Here for More


Indiana Issues – Episode 32

by Abdul Hakim-Shabazz

On this edition of Indiana Issues TV, we look at the recent mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton. Also, the Inspector General clears Governor Eric Holcomb of wrongdoing involving a trip paid for by a private company. And we look at education as Hoosier kids head back to school.

Our panel includes Eric Berman of WIBC and Network Indiana. Lindsey Erdody of the Indianapolis Business Journal and Adam Wren of Importantville.

Here’s the rundown

  • 0:00 – Introduction
  • 1:00 – Indiana Reaction to National Mass Shootings
  • 8:00 – Indiana’s “Red Flag” Laws
  • 16:00 – Inspector General Clears Holcomb
  • 23:00 – Back to School
  • 28:00 – Predictions and Prognostications

Indiana Issues is recorded at the Edge Media Studios in downtown Indianapolis.

On the Air

by Abdul Hakim-Shabazz


We’re taking to the air this weekend across Indiana, and one of our big topics will be the recent mass shootings in El Paso, TX and Dayton, OH.








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And don’t forget to catch “Abdul at Large” Saturdays at 1 p.m. on WIBC-FM in Indianapolis.