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Public Enemy #1

Saturday, August 20th, 2011

I always joke that on any given day the four most hated people at the Marion County Democratic Party are Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels,  Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard, Indiana State Democratic Chairman Dan Parker, and everyone’s favorite political pundit Abdul-Hakim Shabazz. I also always say that whomever comes in first depends on the day.   I […]

Abdul’s Audio Blog

Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

I’m trying something a little different today on Indiana Barrister.  Instead of writing out thoughts I’m recording them for playback.  I’ve had a lot of people tell me they want to hear what I have to say in the mornings (I recommend something else), so we’re going to give this a shot and see what […]

Wednesday’s Political Wire

Thursday, June 30th, 2011

Lots of little interesting tidbits of gossip, rumor and political innuendo to throw out there this morning,  so without further adieu… Freedom Works continues to sit on the fence when deciding whether to get into the Richard Lugar/Richard Mourdock U.S. Senate Primary, despite what’s said officially, the word is they don’t trust the local tea […]

Marion County’s Most Unwanted

Tuesday, June 21st, 2011

Every once in a while I have one of those days that starts out as pretty routine buts ends up pretty odd. Monday was one of those days. I was originally going to drive over to Cincinnati for an interview with U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geitner, unfortunately the Secretary cancelled at the last minute and […]

While I Was Out

Monday, May 9th, 2011

There’s nothing like taking a few days off to rest and recharge. Of course, I did none of that, I spent most of the time getting caught up on all my other jobs.  But apparently quite a few news event occurred while I was out. We all know what happened, so here’s my take on […]

Andre’s Anger or Angst?

Saturday, April 30th, 2011

(I know this blog post is a little longer than usual, but it’s necessary.  I’ve gotten conflicting stories from  from very reliable people regarding the same event so I decided to print them both.) Imagine it’s a weeknight and you’re at the third meeting of your new organization with nearly 100 of your closest political […]

Treacy v. Parker?

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

I thought I was done for a while with the perpetual stories of Marion County Democratic Chairman Ed Treacy’s inability to play well with others like 7th District Congressman Andre Carson and Mayoral candidate Melina Kennedy, however the fates have decided on a different course of action this morning and this tale takes us by […]

Apparently, It’s Not Just Andre

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

I recently wrote about a behind the scenes feud between 7th District Democratic Congressman Andre Carson and Marion County Democratic Chairman Ed Treacy.  To put it mildly, the two don’t apparently see eye and would gladly get rid of the other one should the opportunity ever present itself.  Well, less than 24 hours after that […]

What’s Going On?

Saturday, April 16th, 2011

I took a little break from blogging because I’ve been following up on something that just didn’t seem to make a lot of sense to me.  And the more I chased down the information, the more bizarre stuff I discovered.   Let me know what you think. We all know the big news of this week […]

Slating Day

Sunday, February 13th, 2011

When making a decision to attend a political party slating convention, the big thing I ask myself is which one will be more interesting.   This year the winner was the Marion County Democrats.  They had four contested races which in turn led to a lot more drama.  My Republican friends only had a couple contested […]