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Archive for April, 2017

Indiana Barrister Publisher Wins Journalism Award

Sunday, April 23rd, 2017

The Indiana Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists has recognized Indiana Barrister publisher Abdul-Hakim Shabazz for best column writing. Shabazz received the award at an event Friday night honoring Indiana journalism. He won 1st place for his column, “Turning Snowflakes Into Something Stronger,” a piece about the growing trends regarding safe spaces and speech […]

Hogsett Offers More Hope (And More Questions)

Wednesday, April 19th, 2017

As I sat down and watched Indianapolis Mayor Joe’s Hogsett’s second State of the City speech, two thoughts came to mind.   The mayor is a great at two things, giving an impassioned speech that reaches the heart of the listener and leaving me with more questions when he’s done. In his first state of the […]

Working Instead of Whining

Thursday, April 13th, 2017

I love it when people tell me that “there are no jobs out there”.  And even though I point to Indiana’s 4.1 percent unemployment rate and 64.4 percent worker participation rate, they still tell me that they can’t find a job because they’re black, have a criminal record or are an older person.  The excuses […]

When Governments Get Left Behind

Sunday, April 9th, 2017

If there is one thing I’m learning coming out of this session at the Indiana Statehouse, is despite making a lot of progress on the fiscal and economic fronts, state government still has a long way to go to catch with the 21st century when it comes to understanding technology and consumers. What exactly do […]

The Road to Compromise

Saturday, April 1st, 2017

There are now two distinct plans circulating through the Statehouse with regards to road funding.  Both House and Senate Republicans have put forth proposals on how to pay for Indiana’s infrastructure, long-term. The House plan includes a 10-cent increase in the gas tax, shifting the entire sales tax on gasoline to road funding, and increasing […]