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Archive for March, 2013

The Joy of Faux Outrage

Sunday, March 31st, 2013

One of my favorite films is Casablanca.   And while you would think my favorite character would be Humphrey Bogart’s  Rick Blaine (totally understandable), it is actually Claude Raine’s character Capt. Louis Renault, particularly the scene above when he tells Rick he is closing down the Club because he is  “shocked to find that there is […]

Democrats Hurt By Their Own Overreaction

Friday, March 29th, 2013

In my bi-weekly column in the Indianapolis Star I write the reaction by the Marion  County Democrats to SB 621 (Marion County Government Reorganization) is doing their cause more harm than good. Click here to read more.  

House Republicans Push Back

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

Indiana House Republicans unveiled a You Tube ad this week that pushes back against accusations by Americans for Prosperity that they are big spenders by pointing what they say is proven record of fiscal management and tax cuts.

A Little More Blogging

Thursday, March 28th, 2013

I got an  e-mail the other day from someone asking why I don’t blog as much on Indiana Barrister.  Two reasons, time and money. As you all know I write Indy Politics,  and I also write for the Indianapolis Star, the Statehouse File, NUVO and the Indianapolis Recorder.  I also have another couple projects I […]

The Case for Common Core

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

For the most part I have been agnostic about whether Indiana should stay in or opt out of Common Core.  For those of you who don’t wear tinfoil hats or are waiting for the black helicopters to come by your house or for that matter just have a life, Common Core is a set of […]

War of Words?

Friday, March 8th, 2013

In response to pressure by the Governor’s office to push a 10-percent income tax cut, House Speaker Brian Bosma penned a letter last month to all 92 Republican County Chairmen in Indiana explaining his hesitancy to adopt the measure.   A copy of the letter is below. Bosma letter to county chairman from Abdul-Hakim Shabazz