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Brave New World

While on the set of RTV 6 Election night, I got a message from a former Melina Kennedy campaign staffer who was still holding a grudge from the 2006 county prosecutor’s race.  As Terry Curry was solidifying his lead over Mark Massa, the staffer gleefully reminded me that Marion County was a Democratic County.  I politely reminded him that thought should keep him quite warm this January  as he’s walking over to the GOP-controlled Statehouse.

My counterpart Jon Easter over at Indy Democrat is already painting the picture of gloom and doom after Tuesday’s election which gave Indiana House Republicans a near 60-61 seat majority in the House and a quorum proof majority in the Senate.   I don’t quite see it that way.  In fact, if Republicans can stay away divisive cultural issues like gay marriage and meaningless issues like smoking bans, they have an opportunity to do quite a bit of good.

In the field of education, there can now be true reform where more dollars follow the student, there is real accountability in the classroom where good teachers are rewarded and bad teachers are sent on their way.   And the Indiana State Teachers Association stranglehold on education can finally be broken and parents can have more control over their child’s education.

With local government reform, there can be a lot more movement forward, without the usual obstructionism from the Center Township crowd.  Already I am hearing that legislation may be introduced to consolidate the rest of Marion County township fire departments and poor relief into one countywide efficient system that truly serves the needs of the poor.  In addition, the fact that property tax caps will also force a lot of local governments to work closer together and collaborate or consolidate to provide services.  Thus,  more efficient use of the taxpayers’ money.  And this is bad, why?

And don’t be surprised if we see real reform in unemployment insurance.  On a per capita basis, Indiana has very generous unemployment benefits and there are a lot of mid-level paying jobs that are not going filled because people make more on unemployment than they would working.  Expect that to change.

My best advice to the GOP is focus on the stuff that matters.  Focus on jobs, the economy and good government.  Leave the divisive, wedge issues alone.  And for Democrats, do some soul searching and reflecting, and look for a message and policies that will resonate with voters.  Most importantly, look for some new blood.  You have a lot of smart, young  raw talent out there that needs a chance to shine.  You know who they are.

Welcome to the brave new world folks, it’s gonna be a blast.