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Who’s Throwing This Party?

I picked up some interesting information regarding local party politics this week.  It goes to precinct committeemen filings for the Marion County Democratic Party and who exactly might be running the show next year.

According to Marion County Clerk Beth White’s Office there were 542 PC filings.  The number takes into account withdrawals and successful challenges.  Out of that 542, I discovered this breakdown of PCs and who brought them to the table.

  • Mayoral candidate Brian Williams – 190.
  • Indiana Democratic African-American Caucus – 72.
  • Mayoral candidate Jose Evans – 44.
  • Stonewall Democrats – 20.

That’s a total of at least 326 individuals running for PC.  I say at least because Organizing for America, the Barack Obama political group, also brought people to the table.

So if you do the math, out of 542 PCs running,  at least 60% could be considered outside the establishment.  That also means if enough of them get elected and enough of them form a coalition, there could be a new County Chairman and whole new Marion County Democratic Party.