When Smart People Do Stupid Things
Every once in a while someone will ask to see a picture of my lovely wife. When they do I hand them my Blackberry and tell them to look at the wallpaper. I keep her picture there for a couple reasons. First, she is totally hot. Secondly, and more importantly, when I contemplate doing something stupid her photo reminds me that my actions don’t just affect me anymore and the last thing I want to do is embarrass her and end up getting my you-know-what kicked.
I mention this because of this weekend’s arrest of Marion County Prosecutor spokesman Mario Massillamany on suspicion of driving while intoxicated in Fishers. Full disclosure, Mario and I have known each other since I first came to Indy and are good friends. Which is why it’s extremely disappointing when you get this type of news.
As anyone charged with a crime, the legal issues will work themselves out, however, I can only imagine what’s going through the mind of Mario’s wife and family. Because when public and semi-public figures stray they’re not the only ones impacted.
Whenever I go speak to elected officials or young people who want to go into public service, I remind them time and time again that no matter how hard you work and what you do for the voters or the people you work with, it only takes one momentary lapse in judgment to make all that go away and cause you nothing but a world of hurt. And anyone who reads this blog knows there’s been more than enough of that on both sides of the political spectrum in the past few years.
This is why I constantly tell people, before you do something that compromises your safety or position, think long and hard about it first and ask yourself are the consequences really worth it. And if you can’t do that, carry around a picture of your wife in your Blackberry. It will save you the trouble of having to think.