Request and You Shall Receive
I received my copy of IPS’ budget information Tuesday. I haven’t had a chance to walk through all of it yet, but I wanted to make sure that as soon as I got a copy of it, you received one also.
090827 Budget Adoption Board Items
090817 Board Supplmentary Information
090804 Budget Advertisement Board Items
090708 Budget Workshop Worksheets
One thing that did catch my attention is how much IPS spends on school buses. The district is planning to spend $31 million on transportation and another $12.5 million on school bus replacement. It seems to me by contracting with Indy Go and giving high school students bus passes, IPS might be able to save a few bucks.
As I said earlier, I got all this information via e-mail and in a relatively short amount of time. I’m scratching my head as to why this should have been an issue in the first place.
It will be interesting to see what little nuggets we find when going through each document, line by line.