Budgets & Birth Certificates
A couple items popped up on my radar screen Wednesday that probably didn’t get much attention in the local media, so here they are now.
Marion County Sheriff Frank Anderson is reportedly rebuilding his office’s gang unit and traffic branch. I’m confused as to why Anderson is doing this. Most of his enforcement duties were transferred to the Mayor’s office last year when Ballard took over IMPD. However, if Anderson does have the manpower to duplicate the functions of IMPD, maybe his office doesn’t need as much money and can have his budget cut as the Administration looks to cut $20 million to balance the budget.
And just so you don’t think I’m picking on Democrats today, 5th District Congressman Dan Burton has gotten my attention as well and I can see why so many people are running against him.
Burton has agreed to co-sponsor a bill that would require candidates to show their birth certificates to prove their citizenship. In other words, Burton has joined the Obama “not really a citizen and why won’t he show us his birth certificate even though if we saw it we would call it a fake” crowd. A spokesman for the Congressman says the bill is a good idea because “If candidates provided that information to the Federal Election Commission you wouldn’t have all this hullaballoo. You don’t want to needlessly expose presidents to crazy conspiracy theories.” No offense but from the stories that have been running around the 5th District for years regarding Burton you would think he would be the last person talking about birth certificates.