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Archive for August, 2008

Indianapolis -> Indiana -> India

Wednesday, August 13th, 2008

If you’ve tried to get a hold of someone at the Mayor’s Action Center, you probably have had an issue or two.  Wait times have been ridiculously long, if you get to someone at all.  The Ballard administration is looking at privatizing the MAC line.  A decision hasn’t been made yet, but they have received […]

Indiana Swings

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

For anyone who still doubts Indiana is a swing state in the November election, check this out. John McCain surrogate and possible VP candidate Rob Portman is Indianapolis today for an  economic summit, State Fair visit and evening rally in Fishers. DNC Chairman Howard Dean is Indianapolis tomorrow for a voter registration drive. Congrats Hoosiers, […]

Mayor Admitted to Hospital

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

From the Office of Mayor Greg Ballard:  At approximately 1:30 p.m. yesterday (Monday) Mayor Greg Ballard was admitted to Community East Hospital with chest pains and shortness of breath. Doctors ran an EKG and the Mayor underwent a stress test, the results of both tests were normal. The Mayor was released from the hospital at […]

Whose Budget Is It Anyway?

Tuesday, August 12th, 2008

Reaction to the Mayor’s budget address was predictable.  Republicans called it turning around the ship of state and putting things in the right direction.  Democrats called it voodoo economics that short changes public safety.  Neighborhood groups like the Marion County Neighborhood Association took a wait and see approach.  And the township assessors promised to fight […]

GOP: “Daniels Still Beats JLT”

Monday, August 11th, 2008

Indiana Republicans are touting an internal poll showing incumbent Mitch Daniels with an 18-point lead over Democratic challenger Jill Long Thompson.  A survey of 500 likely voters shows Daniels leading JLT 53-35, with a margin of error of +/- 4.3%. Republicans also say Daniels’ approval rating is 60-30 favorable/unfavorable.  He’s made gains among southern Indiana […]

Sheriff Demands More Cheese to Go With His Whine

Monday, August 11th, 2008

Marion County Sheriff Frank Anderson this afternoon complained about the more than $5 million in budget cuts his office is facing in this budget. In a broadcast interview this afternoon, Anderson said he first learned about the proposed budget cuts this morning. The Sheriff’s budget went from $91.3 million to $85.7 million. Anderson disputed the […]

Dueling Daniels Ads

Monday, August 11th, 2008

I report. You decide.

Ballard’s Balanced Budget

Monday, August 11th, 2008

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard will announce tonight that the city’s budget is balanced. The Ballard administration announced earlier this year that the city faced a $26 million shortfall. In a Sunday afternoon briefing, City Comptroller Dave Reynolds said they closed the shortfall and managed to have $4.8 million left over. The overall budget was $1.13 […]

Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Standard

Sunday, August 10th, 2008

As I sat watching some of the news coverage of former Vice-Presidential candidate John Edwards and his affair, I tend to take a different approach than most. My conservative friends are already yelling about a double standard of media coverage and if John Edwards were a Republican or a Christian Minister, it would be feeding […]

Nice Work If You Can Get It

Sunday, August 10th, 2008

I’m doing some research this morning in preparation for tomorrow night’s Mayoral Budget address. I’ve already gone over some arts funding figures, parks department numbers, and the possible privatization of the Mayor’s Action Center. But what’s really interesting is when you start moving into specific areas and certain line items. Take this one for example. […]