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“Negro Please” is Black people’s way of saying “give me a break.” The term is usually used when another Black person says something so ridiculous that you have had enough like the the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, for example.

When asked about Wright yesterday at his town hall meeting in the park, Obama was polite in his denunciation, but the look on his wife Michelle’s face said it all. She declined to comment about Wright but I’ve seen that look before. It’s that look my mother and my girlfriend give me when I start talking and don’t know when to shut up and eventually say something that goes overboard. In another time and place I would end up wearing hot grits, luckily I exercise the better part of valor.

However, what a lot of people (usually white) don’t understand is that Wright’s controversial remarks aren’t really anything new. The problem is that he won’t shut up. If anything, his talking is helping Obama because the more Wright talks the more he looks like a show-boater who’s out to get the candidate because he’s more popular than him.

If anything Wright should follow Michelle Obama’s example. If you can’t say anything nice, shut up!