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I took a few days off after the primary to recharge the political batteries and it’s good to be back.

A lot of us are still dissecting Tuesday’s primary results and what they mean in the grand scheme of things. Although many of my colleagues will say high voter turnout was a good thing in this election (close to or exceeding the 2006 general election) I respectfully disagree.

I don’t think more participation is a good idea when the people coming out are voting for the wrong reason. I prefer a few smart people coming together to make a decision rather than a lot of stupid people. If the intellect of the voters are as high as the turnout then I’m excited. Otherwise, God save the Republic.

That also brings me to my next point which goes to the Limbaugh fans who participated in Operation Chaos, the Rush-inspired plan for Republicans and conservatives to vote in the Democratic primary in an effort to drag the fight to the convention floor, thus making the eventual nominee that much more vulnerable in the Fall.

I hope you know that by pulling a Democrat ballot in Indiana you are declaring your intent to vote for a majority of Democratic candidates in November. You could have been (and some were) challenged to sign an affidavit saying you had or will vote for a majority of Democrats in a past or future election. If you don’t , you’re violating Indiana law. Now some of you might be saying there’s no way you would ever get caught so what difference does it make? Easy, it goes to the character issue you people keep harping on. Isn’t character defined as what you do when no one is looking and you won’t get caught?

It’s one thing if you pulled a Democrat ballot with the intent to vote for a majority of Democrats, later saw who won the primary and later changed your mind. But for many of the Operation Chaos participants they likely have no intent for voting for a majority of Democrats this Fall. So I for one find it totally ironic that the same people who go on and on and on about character, ethics and the rule of law apparently have no problem throwing those values out the window if they think they can get away with it. I won’t call them lawbreakers yet because they have until November to redeem themselves. But if they don’t they are no different than the people they criticize. Actually they’re worse because they’re hypocrites.

Open the floodgates and let the rationalization begin. This is going to be fun.