The Fairness Doctrine
Shortly after yesterday’s news conference at Marion County Democratic headquarters, I spoke for a few minutes with City Council President Monroe Gray. We chatted informally for a few seconds and then Gray told me that I was very one-sided in my reporting of events here in Indianapolis.
I was a bit taken back by that. I’ll admit I have a unique platform between here at Indiana Barrister, WXNT-AM, RTV 6 and The Indianapolis Business Journal, but I don’t think I’ve been unfair to anyone.
I will admit to being one-sided, that side being the public and the taxpayers, but unfair? I don’t think so.
Whenever I am accused of being unfair, I ask one simple question? Was I wrong? And to this date, no one can answer that in the affirmative. When you do what I do for a living, people wait for you to make a mistake so they can pounce all over you. My job is to make sure they don’t get that opportunity.