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Another Compliment for Kennedy

I’m going to surprise many of you today and pay a compliment to Melina Kennedy, the Democratic candidate for County Prosecutor. Don’t look shocked! I’ve done it before. Click here to read it. I know a lot of you like to think I’m on the GOP’s payroll, but they can’t afford me. Back to the blog.

During today’s debate with Republican incumbent Carl Brizzi at the Indianapolis Rotary Club, Kennedy paid a compliment to Republican City-County Councilmember Ike Randolph.

Indianapolis Star Editor Dennis Ryerson asked the candidates about public safety and what they would do to help those offenders getting out of prison. While both candidates gave standard answers, Kennedy cited the Indiana Department of Correction’s offender re-entry program at Plainfield and the city’s own efforts to hire ex-offenders and provide them with work. The last time I checked that was a proposal submitted by Randolph and was shot down and later put on hold by her own Council Democrats. Check my friend RiShawn Biddle’s Expresso column for details on what went down there.

I have to say, I was impressed Kennedy would cite a Republican program in her debate, when Democrats tried to stop it for political gain. As I said before, Kennedy and I have our philosophical differences and I think overall in this debate the crowd (primarily businessmen and businesswomen) walked away supporting Brizzi, on this point she gets credit from yours truly.