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Archive for January, 2006

Are House Republicans Living on a Prayer?

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006

Note, this is pure speculation on my part! If I am wrong, I will take the blame. House Republican Speaker Brian Bosma told us in the media this afternoon to “wait until tomorrow” to see how they handle the prayer situation. Lawmakers are under a federal court order to not hold any sectarian prayers while […]

Master of My Eminent Domain (Part II)

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006

If Statehouse Republicans decide to make it tougher for the Indiana Stadium Building Authority to take land from the NK Hurst Bean Company they could get some help from across the aisle. Some lawmakers were furious the authority filed an eminent domain against NK Hurst, knowing that tougher laws were on the way. House Democratic […]

Master of my Eminent Domain (Part One)

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006

Is there more to the eminent domain conflict involving N.K. Hurst than meets the eye? There could be. Sources tell me that at least one member of the Indiana Stadium Building Authority warned the group about filing suit against N.K. Hurst. I’m told Authority member John Mutz, the legislative appointment to the board, cautioned the […]

Minor earthquake

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006

The Courier & Press notes that a 3.6 magnitude earthquake struck southern Illinois yesterday and was felt in large portions of southern Indiana. This page offers more information from the U.S. Geological Survey. The epicenter was 46 miles from Evansville.

Pajama activists

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2006

Citizen Magazine, a publication of Focus on the Family, is carrying a cover story about blogging titled “Pajama activists.” The article is a general one about blogging, and it also features me and In the Agora (ITA). Generally the piece is good but it’s worth noting that ITA is a nationally-focused blog, which isn’t entirely […]

IB Essay: America’s changing architecture

Monday, January 2nd, 2006

News that Gov. Kathleen Blanco plans to spend thousands renovating the Louisiana State Capitol reminds me of an older post of mine discussing the architecture of such projects. Courthouses and state capitols have both a practical and symbolic impact on all Americans and American communities. Traditionally they’re important meeting places – for celebrations, town meetings, […]

The mask is peeled

Sunday, January 1st, 2006

The formerly anonymous Douglass T. Davidoff has unveiled his identity as the man behind TRIB, short for “The Review of Indiana Blogs.” He runs a public relations practice and was formerly communications director for the Indiana Democratic Party. He remained anonymous “so that TRIB could stand on its own, without allegations of partisanship.” More on […]

Pence Press

Sunday, January 1st, 2006

Adding to his long list of conservative credentials, U.S. Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) is a finalist for the “Citizen of the Year” award from townhall.com. Here’s a teaser from the article: By the end of the 2005 congressional session, Capitol Hill had witnessed a legislative year in which the [Republican Study Committee] had made its […]

Wash. Po. coverage

Sunday, January 1st, 2006

Via Doug Masson I found the Washington Post carried a recent article on Indiana’s sectarian prayer in an article titled “Judge Upholds Prayer Limits in Ind. State House.”