Come Tweet With Me
As part of tonight’s Presidential Debate coverage, I’ll be tweeting along with several other media and political types as part of the Indianapolis Star’s debate coverage. We will be tweeting with the hashtag #StarDebate
Scheduled to participate are…
- Abdul-Hakim-Shabazz (@attyabdul) or @IndyPoliticsOrg
Mary Beth Schneider (@marybschneider)
Matt Tully (@matthewltully)
Erika Smith (@indystar_erika)
Pete Seat (@peteseat)
Lara Beck (@beckcomgroup)
Michelle Freed Momper (@MichelleFreed)
- Chris Spangle (@chrisspangle)
April Gregory (@aprildgregory)
Jen Wagner (@JenniferAWagner)
Nathan Kozman (@KozinIndy)
The debate begins at 9 p.m. ET. Come hang out. It should be fun.